Tuesday, August 24, 2010

India is the good news today

While looking at countries these days India appears liberal. The Indian government has been largely sensible. The bouts of corruption and fundamentalists eras in the government gets smoothed out by growing sensibilities. On the other hand in the US liberal voices are increasingly suppressed or ignored and the mood is cantankerous. There is little sign of this to change in near future. A lot of Indians are now going back to India. The influx of immigrants to the US are of a different nature. China grows in wealth but liberty and honesty is not a trademark of that region. The only other region that will follow India is the African region. African government is infested with corruption and looks like India did when she was newly independent. But that might change soon because the people are honest and they are liberal. Europe on the other hand is saturated and to grow it needs to look outwards. In countries like Mexico society is infested with crime and the road to recovery is a difficult one. America, China, and the middle east will have to deal with all the lies they have learned to live with all these years to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every lie is supported by media propaganda in America, in China by government propaganda, and in the Middle east by religious propaganda. Use your brains for it has some function is all I can say.

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