Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The naxalite problem of India

States where major exploitation of poor people take place are breeding grounds for naxalites. States where villages have hamlets like Andhra Pradesh and Bihar have long ill treated poor people. The attitudes people hold for hard working but poor people is appalling. States like Karnataka and Kerala do not have hamlets and there is more equity in society. In such states poverty is a result of personal karma as it should be and not exploitation. Poverty in states like Bihar is also karma but not of the person who is poor but the ones who are rich.

Naxalites love death and apart from providing a sense of revenge do nothing to solve problems faced by poor people. The laborers of India are ill served by their leaders. Labor leaders across the country are puppets of the rich and are mostly uneducated and ill informed. Other leaders who are from rich families but have soft hearts go about pitying poor people which is again stupid. Poverty is no terminal disease that cannot be fixed with right steps. Its like the poor people are lead by the blind. So they choose between violent groups or stupid groups and are stuck in a rut.

Communists as I have long maintained thrive on people being poor and so poor people cannot change their fates by becoming communists. Like why are there a few awfully rich people in China today that is supposed to be a communist country? Because they are awfully good at exploiting poor people. Dignity of labor and respect for life is what will save the day. When Gandhiji preached about abolishing untouchability he should have mentioned abolishing hamlets too. Hamlets are the embodiment of all that is evil in a feudal society.

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