Friday, October 1, 2010

The illegal housekeeper

Meg Whitman a contestant to become governor of California is now accused of employing an illegal housekeeper. It is a sad fact in California that if you are employing someone for labor that person might be an illegal immigrant. That this woman worked at Whitman's household for 9 years shows the integrity of the housekeeper. Seriously immigration status does not matter in the quality of services provided. It is time America stops attacking the dignity of these hardworking people and get to getting their papers in order.

1 comment:

  1. Nobody is attacking the dignity of hardworking people, they are attacking the dignity of Meg Whitman for exploiting hardworking people... the reason people hire illegal immigrant is they are willing to work for less money as compared to legal Americans. If Meg Whitman was willing to pay the standard wage to her housekeeper, plus pay social security taxes on that pay to the housekeeper, then the housekeeper could not only have decent standard of living, but would have retirement and medical benefits too. Meg Whitman needs to sponsor this housekeeper and help her get her papers in order instead of now distancing herself from the housekeeper, who served her for 9 years...what a shame...
