Thursday, September 23, 2010

India and her Brain drain problem

India has a big brain drain problem. It is not just that highly skilled people leave Indian shores in search of better opportunities but even many people living in India work for foreign companies. For example, Maruti cars that are sold only in India is a Japanese collaboration and a Japanese company holds more than 50% of the shares. We might say that people choose what is best for them and there is nothing anyone can really do about it. But are Indians really choosing what is best for them? Do we learn to recognize and understand the ceilings we face in future while training hard for a highly skilled job?

If we look at Nuclear energy or space technology Indians are doing well and the quality of work is of world standards. Though the number of people training for these jobs are few the success stories are big. Now Indian medical doctors on the other hand migrate in large numbers but the ones that stay behind work for Indian companies and we can safely say that the Indian medicine is of world standards if not better. On the other hand Indian engineering be it software or mechanical is way behind and brain drain is the reason behind it.

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