Friday, June 18, 2010

The role for Gaza

Gaza becomes a concept of fight for some people and they will never allow people of Gaza to rest in peace. In the name of helping people of Gaza many propagate their own agenda and profit from it. Very few are thinking of people of Gaza as opposed to how to get back at Israel or attain prominence. Having said that Israel deciding what Gaza needs is ridiculous. There should be no blockades. On the other hand if people in Gaza keeps attacking Israel, Israel will retaliate with blockades and all. And if Israel keeps encroaching on the land of Gaza attacks will keep happening. Israel cannot be secure nor can Gaza be secure as long as the two continue to fight. Both these nations need help from outside to fight each other. Its a tremendous waste of resources and human life.

The role of Gaza towards Israel because of its size that suits it best will be like that of Nepal to India. Peaceful coexistence. Otherwise Gaza will serve as a base to launch attacks on Israel which helps no one. The problem is that Israelis are viewed by the world as occupiers whereas they are settlers. There is a difference. One must understand that in history people get displaced in unjust ways and jewish people have been displaced many times. In retrospect the Jewish nation should have been built elsewhere but ironically the Jewish people felt safer in Israel. A lot of anti-semitism comes from the story of Jesus but everyone knows that God from their own religion promised this land to this very people and Jesus was a jew. In the current scenario finding out ways to peacefully coexist is the only solution to this conflict. The Jewish people of Israel unlike their counterparts in the rest of the world has failed to be useful to their neighbors and formed friendships far away from where they live.

Gaza and West bank are quite divided geographically and it will be quite difficult to maintain the two as one country. Reminds one of Pakistan and Bangladesh. I wonder how the landscape will look in a decade.

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