Sunday, January 10, 2010


There is nothing wrong with African American dialect. It is all the rage in hip hop. Negro is a forbidden word only in America but all that is history and best it remains history. Slavery is not a black thing and only became so after European acquired guns. There were slaves of all colors and people do not go back in time and get offended by it. Come to think of it Romans would feed people to lions, the French would hold public executions with women in the audience (yuck!), Indians had caste system, and slavery was rampant in Egypt. All that was really gross and it was not about skin color. People get exploited but its a good thing to come out of such situations. What we want to remember is the strength that lead us out of darkness more than the darkness that sorround us at a given point of time.

It does not matter whether Obama has a particular kind of dialect or not. I would say he does speak a little like an African American and that is a good thing. Ever since Obama is president some people are always trying to create some kind of silly controversies. The race card will turn up again and again. But he remains quite popular. Most of America cares little about race and marriages happen across race and cultures without anyone batting an eyelid. But there are a few who carefully bring about the topic in a twisted way hoping to gain mileage among the white population. But it mostly backfires.

Harry Reid should not resign about issues like he said - she said stuff. There are more urgent issues that America faces today that Republicans never seem to notice.

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