Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Increasingly plastic

Child obesity should not translate as underfed children. If growth is hampered in a child, it leads to lots of health problems as an adult. America is becoming increasingly plastic with the white house leading the trend. Whats wrong with regular people with all shapes and sizes? Exercise is good and the focus could be that people should eat healthy and exercise etc. But the focus on fighting obesity makes people worry about their self image all the time leading to a unhappy and unhealthy society. To sell products America makes it a fight against some concept of fear. Like drink dangerous tonics because you are fighting obesity, sell weapons because you are fighting terrorism etc.

The wonder about life is you exist as this mass of cells in so many shapes, sizes, colors, and forms. Its wonderful and no one should go about life not being thrilled about being alive every waking moment. Life is not plastic so celebrate.

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